The Benefits of Probiotics for Dogs

Having a pet dog has many benefits. They make excellent companions, protectors, and playmates. Other than these well-known perks that come with being a dog owner, dogs have also been known to help keep you healthy by encouraging you to exercise and de-stress. Your pets deserve your care and attention by making sure that you feed your them the most nutritious food and supplements, including probiotics.

Much like they do for humans, probiotics offer numerous health benefits to dogs. Studies show that probiotics for dogs help maintain good bacteria in the gut as well as prevent bad bacteria from invading their digestive tract. A dog’s digestive tract plays an important role in making sure your pup gets the nutrition it needs from food; it also helps to maintain the strength of your dog’s immune system. Probiotics wards off certain types of bacteria that can make your dogs ill, such as salmonella and e. coli.

When to Give Probiotics

As a supplement, probiotics may be given daily to dogs. They may also be given if your dogs have been through situations that may have compromised their immune system. These include consuming unclean food and/or water, traveling, undergoing surgery, taking antibiotics, and suffering from gastro-intestinal diseases.

The Many Other Benefits of Probiotics for Dogs

In addition to helping promote healthy digestion and boosting the immune system, probiotics for dogs have many other health benefits. By promoting good bacteria in the body, they can actually help dogs prevent and treat skin problems caused by yeast. They can also help prevent or ease constipation and diarrhea and may even put an end to bad breath.

Many supplements like Herbsmith Microflora Plus Digestion Supplement for Dogs and Cats at also contain prebiotics and herbs that promote bowel health, such as licorice, cinnamon, and ginger. Prebiotics complement the function of probiotics by supporting the growth of good bacteria in your dog’s gut. The best probiotics for dogs also contain prebiotics—these work in synergy to promote digestive health.

Of course, the success of any supplement also largely depends on what you feed your dog. In conjunction with probiotics, dogs must also be given a balanced diet and be allowed to exercise regularly. Generally, dogs should stay away from foods that are high in sugar, fat, and salt. Take your dogs to the vet for annual check-ups and vaccinations as these can help prevent or treat illness early.

If you are looking for a dog supplement that offers similar benefits to probiotics, you can also try supplements that contain plant enzymes that aid digestion like In Clover OptaGest Digestion Supplement for Dogs and Cats.

If you are unsure about what food and supplements to give to your dog, it is always best to contact a holistic veterinarian. Your vet can answer any questions that you may have about probiotics for dogs, including directions for dosage.