Meowijuana Get a Ride Refillable Magic Carpet Plush Cat Toy with Catnip
Meowijuana Get a Ride Refillable Magic Carpet Plush Cat Toy with Catnip

Meowijuana Get a Ride Refillable Magic Carpet Plush Cat Toy with Catnip

Availability: In Stock
Product ID: MEOWIJUANA807564

Meowijuana Get a Ride Refillable Magic Carpet Plush Cat Toy with Catnip
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Every cat deserves to Get a Ride on our magic carpet. After all, they put up with us humans getting in their faces for pictures, dressing them up for holidays, and non-stop cuddles. Simply tuck some of our dope 'nip into the pocket on the side of this carpet and watch the magic.

*Not for human consumption* Catnip can be given every other day to cats, but after a few minutes, its effectiveness wears off and your cat will need to be away from the catnip for a while in order to experience a reaction again. Catnip may not be well received by cats under a year old.

Product Benefits:

  • Refillable Pouch
  • Comes with Organic Catnip

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