Winter Activities for Dogs

Winter weather is no reason to allow your dog to hibernate. Even during the cold and snowy days, daily play and fun is necessary for a healthy lifestyle. Winter is a wonderful season that provides such beautiful scenery. There are plenty of indoor and outdoor activities to do with Fido during the winter. 

Indoor Activities:

  • Fetch up the stairs – Simply toss a toy to the top of the stairs and watch your dog enjoy running after it.
  • Hide & Seek – This classic game can be played with dogs by hiding a toy or treat and watching her sniff around the house.
  • Laser Pointer Chase – It is highly entertaining to watch dogs chase a laser throughout the home. It is a easy game that just requires you to move the laser over the floor. 
  • Tug of War – Tugging on a toy is good exercise for both you and your dog. 
  • Agility Class – Many training centers and shelters offer indoor agility classes. 

Outdoor Activities:

  • Daily Walk - There is no replacement for a good walk. 
  • Fetch – This game is still fun, no matter what the weather is. Just be sure to use a bright colored toy so it will not get lost in the snow.
  • Skijoring – If there is snow on the ground, Skijoring is a fun activity that provides great exercise for dogs.  It is simply cross country skiing with the added bonus of fido pulling you. 
  • Catch – Playing catch is fun in the snow. For added fun, make soft snowballs and toss them!

Remember that dogs can get frostbite and hypothermia. Be watchful of symptoms such as shivering and slow movement. Keep time limited in the extreme temperatures and know the limits of your dog. Winter and cause havoc on paws,  you can try using a protective wax on the pads, or use boots such as Pawz Dog Boots to protect the pads from salt & de-icers.