Dog Anxiety Solutions

Just like humans, dogs also have fears. In fact, dogs are more susceptible to becoming afraid than many other animals. One of the biggest fears in dogs is separation from their owners because dogs are very loyal and dependent pets. If you leave a dog alone at home for work, they usually feel helpless, lonely, and afraid, but they are able to calm themselves. However, there are instances when this fear becomes too powerful that your dog will do destructive things when left alone. Separation from his owner is not the only thing that sets off anxiety in dogs. Items in the house like a running washing machine or a smoke detector may scare the fur out of them and trigger an anxiety attack.

As an owner, it is important to know the symptoms of anxiety in dogs so you can help your pet right away.

Symptoms of Dog Anxiety

Luckily for dog owners, dogs will display signs when they are anxious or in distress. These signs or symptoms can range from mild to serious. Some of the mild symptoms include trembling, withdrawal, reduced activity, tail tucked, hiding, and passive escape behaviors.

Symptoms that are more serious could include hysterical movements, howling, biting, and running around for no reason. When you see these symptoms, you should be careful when approaching them because sometimes dogs when anxious want to be left alone.

Simple ways to help anxious dogs

When your dog shows these symptoms, you should take time to assure them that you are with them, and they are cared for. Dogs need reassurance, especially if they were previously owned by abusive owners. You can talk to your dog, give it pat in on the head, hug it, and give it a belly rub. Touching and hugging your dogs will communicate love more than words can say and give them assurance.

Dog separation anxiety

Among all types of dog anxiety, separation anxiety is considered the most dangerous. This anxiety is triggered when you have to leave your dog alone inside the house. The dog, fearing abandonment will become hysterical. They will howl, bark, run around the house, and bite furniture, and they may also defecate inside the house. If your dog does not do these things when you are around but does so when you leave, then your dog most likely has separation anxiety. Sometimes reassuring will not work. However, there is no need to worry as there are several proven Dog Separation Anxiety Treatments available.

Treatment for dog anxiety

Although reassuring your dog will work most of the time and calm them down, there are times when it won’t. That’s usually the moment when you will need some outside help. There are safe and effective herbal supplements that can help calm dogs. These supplements along with your care and reassurance of your dog will most times help them overcome that stressful situations.

Another way to help your dog overcome the anxiety that grips them is Thundershirt Dog Anxiety Treatment, which is a jacket for your dog. It works by applying pressure on the torso and body of the dog that simulates hugging. It gives the dog the feeling of security and warmth and calms down their nerves. It works not only for anxious dogs but for also for hyperactive ones. So if a pet owner needs to calm a hyper dog, they will benefit from it, too. Of course, you should still continue to give your dog the assurance that you will not leave or abandon him. Dog anxiety should not be taken lightly. It is a serious problem and dog owners should do their best to make their dog feel secure and reassure them that they will not be abandoned. Dogs are, after all, one of your most loyal friends.